So I ventured out into the furthest reaches of the small island known as Tasmania. I was chasing fortune and fame, with a goal to capture a sapphire larger than my heart. After a long day prospecting in Moorina, I set up camp and prepared for a good night sleep. However, as soon as the sun dropped the forest came alive. The screams of beasts echoed throughout the sky and a thick mist flooded every surface. Within hours the place had become unlivable and I pondered how the Chinese tin miners of the late 1800’s had survived in such a rugged location.
The next morning my body ached with pain, my clothes smelt of burning fires and I began to ask some of the locals about the place. They told me a curious story that I will repeat here, an enthralling tale about The Moorina Molester. Little is known about this shadowy figure, it’s simply a spoken story between locals: one that haunts all who find themselves at the edge of the world.
It is said that he began his life in the Jiangsu province of China. His father was addicted to opium and he therefore grew up in a destitute family. Attempting to free himself from poverty, he began working as a miner. He was part of a small group that discovered coal in the local Jiawang area in 1880. This mining operation was swiftly sold off to a larger company that could process more coal. And this is where The Moorina Molester began to show his true colors.
Believing that their discovery of coal was his only opportunity to a financial future, he was infuriated that the others had sold the operation. His complaints however fell on deaf ears, which began to create resentment within him. They all did however keep working at the mine under the new leadership.
The Moorina Molester then began to take revenge on his fellow miners. One by one, he would wait for night to fall and use their relationship to convince them to come to the mine. He would then drag them into the depths of darkness, molesting and murdering them (in which order, I’m not sure). The new leadership realized that this was occurring, however enabled him and hid the bodies that they would find. This was out of pure spite for the previous owners and the hope to progress away from the historical order.
All the previous owners had now vanished. However, The Moorina Molester had become addicted to the thrill of molestation and murder in the process. He had discovered these mines and believed that they were now his domain to rule over. The other miners had become cautious of him and refused to fall into the same trap that had taken so many. So when a new miner arrived on site, The Moorina Molester targeted him directly. He once again dragged the miner into the depths and molested and murdered him.
However, the current owner returned and began to query where the most recent miner had vanished to. He revealed that the newest miner was his youngest son and word began to spread around the site. The Moorina Molester realized what he had done and immediately fled. With the authorities hot on his tail, he docked for Australia and never returned to his homeland. The owner soon retired, after being devastated by the consequences from enabling such a monster.
The Moorina Molester fled to the end of the world and found himself working at the tin mines in Moorina, Tasmania. He quickly fell into the same pattern and began molesting and murdering the other workers. He buried these bodies in the thick forests and avoided suspicion for a period. However, another Chinese miner arrived and instantly recognized the monstrous figure. He immediately made the Tasmanian authorities aware of this fact and the The Moorina Molester once again fled. This time however he fled into the Tasmanian wilderness and remained undiscovered.
There have been many missing cases across this region of Tasmania and many believe The Moorina Molester is the culprit. He continues to haunt the forests, molesting and murdering the unlucky few that venture too deep into the wild. The echoing screams and midnight haze warn prospectors that the mines are his.