For those that aren’t aware the new slogan for Victoria is ‘Every Bit Different.’ This is being promoted through the governmental body Visit Victoria that is responsible for tourism. The slogan is so ambiguous that I’m not quite sure what they even mean. It neither holds a positive or a negative connotation. The more I’ve thought about it the more I realize that it’s meant to be confusing to represent the confused state.
Victoria has become a laughing stock over the past decade. Despite the extremely low numbers of fake covid cases, their city was the most locked down in the world. They imported hundreds of thousands of immigrants, just to have the local population pack up and leave. And the unlucky ones that remain have turned to homelessness and drug use to cope with this hell.
So because Victoria now has no positive attributes, there’s nothing really left to advertise. The only two options are advertise the negative or put out confusing promotional material that no one knows the meaning of. I would advise they ride the negative wave and promote the entire state as some sort of hell house experience: but instead they’ve chosen the latter choice and are branding themselves as ‘Every Bit Different.’
In a previous life I spent a fair bit of time in their capital city Melbourne and even planned on living there for a job opportunity. However after about two weeks in any location, you begin to stop visiting the tourist attractions and start to clearly view the existing culture. In this case, I opened my eyes to see the cesspool of crime, degeneracy and diversity.
Much like London, you spend much of the time desensitizing yourself to the horrors around you. Every one walks on eggshells to avoid the potent mixture of criminals, drug addicts and the homeless. At the same time you live in fear that if you ever have to defend yourself against this motley crew, then the draconian government will lock you up forever.
This isolating attitude extends even further due to the foreign aspect. The CBD in particular is filled with both tourists and immigrants that don’t speak English. So consider you wanted to socialize; it would fall on deaf ears regardless.
I’ve recommended to many rural living lads that they venture to the concrete jungle of Melbourne. This is to break the simplicity of their politics and understand that this is the gentrified future we all face. No one has consciously taken me up on this offer, but rather visited on their own accord. The feedback I then get is always the same ‘nice to visit, but nicer to leave.’ Victoria should think of using that slogan, it’s at least more specific than their current one.
This place successfully radicalized me and many people I know. So the slogan ‘Every Bit Different’ is accurate to Victoria just like to how it’s accurate Hell.