Australia Post is Encouraging Scams

It has come to my recent attention that Australia Post has stopped handing out delivery cards for postal items. I was only made aware of this recently, when the local Lebanese store owner began telling every man and their dog that I hadn’t picked up my mail order bride. This was because I had not been notified of my delivery and therefore my third Ukrainian wife nearly starved to death.

The old process worked like this: when an item was delivered at a local depot, they would leave a delivery card at your house so you could go pick it up. This would also apply if you weren’t home to receive a delivery in person. The new process works like this: when an item is delivered at a local depot, you receive an email or text message so you can go pick it up.

This change may seem inconsequential; however emails and text messages are an unreliable form of transport. The other issue with this new process is that Australia Post is probably the most targeted institution for fraudulent impersonations. This is because nearly every Australian uses this service, so gutter rat scammers find this an efficient option to trick people. There are endless mainstream articles about phishing scams from fraudulent impersonators of Australia Post. When I receive a text or email from Australia Post, I immediately assume that it’s a scam and so do many others.

The other more reliable digital option that Australia Post is offering is to make a direct profile with them and hand over all your personal information. Although this may limit phishing scams directly, they have had data breaches before and are likely to have them again. Of course, there are no consequences for Australia Post and other government agencies bleeding the personal information of Australian citizens.

I’ve made the claim before that our government is encouraging financial scams so they can create further laws and extend their control to target the local population. And this is just another example of this happening. Australia Post is a government run business and therefore has the same goals as our evil leadership. The delivery card system makes it essentially impossible for the common scammer to manipulate. Even if they somehow managed to, the amount of effort and time needed would not be profitable to pursue.

There is no better option to the old delivery card system. It is a tried and tested method that far surpasses any modern alternative.