The Star Wars Franchise is Liberal Hell

There have been a million and one articles arguing the politics within Star Wars by people a lot smarter than me and who don’t suffer from a diagnosed addiction to huffing glue. Therefore I have taken up the mantle of analyzing the politics external to the actual plot.

George Lucas is probably the greatest writer of the last century and I spit in the faces of anyone that tells me different. Anyone who complains about the prequels is huffing things worse than glue and need to be locked away far from me and my pit-bull family.

The entire franchise is symbolic of the liberal hell that we currently live in. A great man named George creates an inspirational product that makes a huge profit and brings joy to millions. Despite George’s income, he is offered ridiculous amounts of money to sell this product to demons that have undue influence over the market. The demons then use this successful franchise to pollute the minds of the population. They cut corners, ignore basic story structure and use every moment to promote their evil agenda.

They don’t just own Star Wars, but own and create a number of other science fiction media. They also use a subsidiary company known as Bad Robot Productions that’s created Star Trek films. This creates the illusion of choice in the market, while the consumer is being fed the exact same garbage product.

Liberalism allows new successful products to be simply bought out and dissolved of everything that made them great. This is done by entities that have purchased so much power and influence that rejecting them is suicide. They do this routinely until they’ve created a monopoly; however disguise this by using a series of subsidiaries and contacts. Once the monopoly is achieved, they then target and destroy any threat to their power. It’s not about making a good product, it’s about holding onto the existing structure through any means necessary.